As anybody who has lived and acknowledged the role that the Laws of Attraction have played in their lives, you will have formed your own theories or beliefs, either consciously or unconsciously, on what works or does not work. There are numerous psychologists and specialists who can take you through the subject, there are tomes written on the subject and then we all have mothers, teachers and friends who teach us about the Laws of Attraction - each in their own way. All this tends to get rather overwhelming and confusing and so we GO through life often not acknowledging the Laws of Attraction and the role that they play in our daily successes and failures, big and small.
Having said that most of us just 'go' through life, it is important to acknowledge the Laws of Attraction in our lives for this very acknowledgement would make us more aware of them and make us aware that proper leverage of the same would help us gain a tremendous control of our lives and that ubiquitous quality that has come to be known as 'Karma'.
Given below are some simple steps that will help you control your 'Karma'. These steps that you have probably heard of before in self help books or workshops, pack a powerful punch and the ability to 'make' your life. They will help you deliberately focus on what you want in your life, the direction you want your life to take and with your goals in sight, they will help you to plan how to get there. This may seem rather tedious at first, but in their very simplicity lie the added advantage that they soon become automatic and a part of you. "Why do I need to do this", you may ask. These steps can put you in the driver's seat of your life. Nothing will be left to chance and nothing will be good/bad luck. They will put you in the "right" energy to attract what you want.
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In life, unlike in Magnetism, Like Attracts Like (though opposites do tend to compliment each other). You attract what you focus on. These steps will help you focus on what you want. Thereby enabling you to create and live the life you want.
1. Gain clarity about what you really want and then go out and GET it.
Where do you 'get' it from$%: Just like you can't pluck money from a money plant, you can't pluck Life from the Tree of Life. By focusing on your end objective and planning your steps to get there, you can then plot the route to take. In most cases this is not a physical route. It is an 'energy' route, energy through your thoughts. It has been proved that the human mind is so strong as to be able to bend a spoon or to levitate the human body by just concentrating on it,. While you do not need to master that level of concentration, by just focusing your thoughts and feelings, you will attract what you think and feel about the most. The Universe brings to you what you focus on.
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To create the life you want you must consciously focus your attention on what you want and then hold your attention on it.
2. You should be a 100% responsible for your life.
When you take full responsibility for your life, you can guide it along the path you want and you can choose your life experiences. Only then will you stop being and seeing yourself as a victim of your circumstances. The downside of this is that with you steering the course of your life, you also have to face the fact that you are completely responsible for the 'downs' in life as well. However, if you look at this positively, you can learn from these 'downs' and learn how to steer clear of them.
In other words you will be in complete control and your life will feel richer. It will give you a great deal of self-confidence and help you take on the world.
3. Believe that you have the power to control your life
You don't need to know HOW it will work, you just have to believe you will get it. As the Bible says Faith Can Move Mountains.
Focus on the Positive belief that it will happen. Focusing on the How will only bury you under the negative energies of worry, over-planning and fear.
Joe Vitale says in his book, The Attractor Factor, stay open to what your gut's telling you and then take action on what it's telling you. This kind of action is called "inspired action". Gut feeling is most often a positive energy that would lead you along the right path. Gut feeling is most evident in the invisible ties that bind a mother and her offspring. These are the ties that intuitively tell a mother when she needs to worry about her offspring and when there is no need to fear despite outward signs.
4. Work on the broader picture
Don't focus on the nitty gritties as this will bog you down in negative energy. Focus on the main steps and move forward confidently and with Belief that it is going to work. The momentum of the action will take you over the nitty gritties.
5. Don't let negative energies like fear and worry distract you
Fears, worries and doubts are negative energies that would sap your energy and side track you. How often do the 'what if's' sneak in and slow us down. It then requires a tremendous amount of positive energy to get us back on track. Worse still, the additional energy required is often so daunting as to cause us to quit altogether.
It is unreal and utopic to expect that we can wear blinkers and not be faced with fears and worries and doubts. These will sneak in from the most unexpected quarters and at the most unexpected times. Don't waste energy blocking them out. Rather surround yourself with the positive energy of friends, family, support group who share your goal. Their positive energy, combined with yours will help you to face these fears and doubts and still forge ahead.
6. Stay Focused
You need a final step to achieve your goal. As laborious as setting a goal and focusing on it with positive energy and being open to achieving your goal may seem, your goal is not just going to drop into your lap one morning. You need to stay focused. It is the easiest and most subtle thing in the world to get side tracked or de-focused by other less important things and events and energies. A dogged approach with you eye clearly on the goal is the final boost that will get you there.
Creating a Focus Board that you look at every morning could help you stay focused. Organizations often do this by creating a Mission and Vision Statement. State your goal clearly at the top. Under it in smaller letters, list out the stepping stones you need to take to get you there. At the bottom state your goal in Bold. Cross out the stepping stones as you achieve each one. This will not only help you focus on your ultimate goal, but will also help you focus on the next intermediate goal you need to achieve en route to you final goal. As distant as your final goal may seem on some 'down' days, the crossed out stepping stones will help boost your morale and flood you with positive energy.
Another way of surrounding yourself with positive energy is to focus on the positive energies you have received or the small pebbles you have crossed the previous day en route to your next stepping stone. Sure some of the pebbles may have slipped away before you got to them. Don't focus on them - just acknowledge them and proceed.
Try and make your Focus Board a daily ritual for in following rituals comes a security from habit.
Leverage the Law of Attraction. Stay positive and focused and you will attract positive energies.
Taking these steps will help you be the driver of your life. Soon these steps will become automatic. Focusing on your achievements will fill you with positive energy and will attract positive energy to you. Soon the whole process will change from ponderous and laborious to FUN which in turn will attract its own positive energy and get you there faster.